Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bad Haircuts Come With A Feo Mustache

Okay, my second attempt at writing correct Spanish on here failed miserably. Jefe, not hefe (thank you for the correction Max). So what fantastic, wonderful, delicious new things happened this past week and a half? Well, I received a wonderful (read: not so wonderful) haircut from one of the orphans last week. It slightly resembled a bowl haircut (which it would have been better had it actually been a bowl haircut) combined with random puffs of hair. I figured this girl could use the practice since she was in hairdressing school. She will have to practice else where from now on. She detached my beard from my head with a razor and left me without any sideburns. In fact some people might call what I have reverse sideburns. So that meant I had to shave off the beard, although I left the mustache on to draw attention away from the head. Actually, I meant to shave off the mustache as well but I gave in to peer pressure and I left the mustache on for nearly a week. So with the mustache and a bad haircut I received a combination of comments from the children (guapo, feo, and guapo and feo combined). I was also told by one Peruvian that I looked better but I would look even better without the mustache. So now the mustache is gone and my hair is fixed, mostly (the girl went so far up one side with the razor that the only two solutions would be to shave it off or let it grow back).

I know some may be interested in my ice cream consumption in the past week. It went down and I’m not happy about it. Surfing is up though. We went to Huanchaco again this past Saturday. Either I am very poor at finding the good waves or the waves were not excellent this time (think the former). I did find some at the end of the morning and had a good time. Two surf shops know us by name now, which is awesome. I actually made the initiative the go talk to them this time. We’re going back this weekend and Alex (he is the director of projectors here) and his family are coming as well. He is very excited about going surfing. It’ll be a nice time.

I’ve been trying to read to the kids lately. I get to work on my pronunciation and they get to listen to a story read with incorrect pauses and intonations. I saw a 2 year old do one of the most intelligent things ever. He had thrown a sticky ball too high on a sliding glass door. He looked at a for a second, jumped a few times (he was only 2 feet away from it) and then decided to push open the door until the other part of the door knocked it off. To see if this was an accidental intelligent moment we put the ball back up there a little later and he did it again. That was awesome to watch. There is also a girl here who is a natural at basketball which warmed my heart a little bit. She can barely dribble or shoot but she understands back cuts, how to anticipate my moves, and how to make a correct fake cut. Oh man, I was beaming, seriously. It was fantastic.